Web Site Creation for IT Stuff Outsource Company

ROLE: Web Site Creator


The IT outsource company required a comprehensive digital presence to attract potential clients and showcase their expertise. They needed a cohesive brand identity starting from the logo to the overall website design.


To create a professional and engaging website that accurately represents the IT outsource company’s brand and services.


Develop logo, web site and make it ready  for the further promotion.

web design and branding expert in berlin


  • Tasks and Approach:
    1. Concept Development:
      • Conducted a thorough analysis of the company’s market positioning and competitors.
      • Developed a unique concept that reflects the company’s innovative and tech-savvy nature.
    2. Logo Creation:
      • Designed a modern and distinctive logo that embodies the company’s core values and mission.
      • Ensured the logo was versatile for use across various platforms and marketing materials.
    3. Website Design:
      • Created a user-friendly and visually appealing website layout that highlights the company’s services and strengths.
      • Employed a responsive design approach to ensure optimal performance on all devices.
    4. Content Strategy:
      • Developed clear and concise content that communicates the company’s expertise and value proposition.
      • Integrated SEO best practices to enhance search engine visibility and attract organic traffic.
    5. Implementation:
      • Coordinated with developers to bring the design to life, ensuring the website is fully functional and meets all technical requirements.
      • Conducted thorough testing to ensure a seamless user experience and resolved any issues before the launch.